Everyverse RPG -Character Generation


EVERYVERSE RPG has 5 methods to generate characters for play. Here are a few details on each:


1. Standard Generation (a very brief overview)

For Standard Generation, a player needs a writing utensil, 4 10-sided dice (or a dice app that will roll 4d10), a character sheet and some scratch paper. A helpful gamemaster (GM) is good, too.

  • First, choose name, sex, species and home world of the character. Input from the GM on the campaign is a good idea
  • Next, the GM should tell you how to determine QUality or one of the other columns of the attributes columns.
  • Choose a profession and the number of terms your character wishes to serve and roll to determine how many actually served.
  • Determine if aging occurs and thus, the final QUality score.
  • From the QUality score, shift up to 10 points between attribute pairs in the character sheet columns, depending on the player’s desire for skill emphasis.
  • Then, determine mass, height and appearance attributes.
  • Use points to choose Equalizers (see EQUALIZERS in EVERYVERSE RPG).
  • Points may also be used to purchase Stuff, i.e. money, goods and special circumstances (see STUFF in EVERYVERSE RPG)

2. Quick Generation 

Quick Generation is used to introduce new players to EVERYVERSE RPG, quickly generate NPCs or for the experienced players who want to get to adventuring with all do haste.

  • Roll SD four times, rearranging the dice for maximum scores
  • Assign one score to each of PHysical, MOtion, InFluence and INtelligence.
  • Ignore social class and Equalizers
  • Choose a profession and years of prior service
  • Choose skills appropriate to the profession and write down the first specification of each
  • For each year of service, 4 points may be spent on skills
  • Stuff is a flat $100/year
  • Ignore aging
  • Characters may purchase a standard gear kit (see APPENDIX B: QUICK GENERATION) plus any special items required for the situation

3. Reverse Generation

Reverse Generation allows building a character that comes out exactly as the player desires.

  • First, skills are chosen then pick or create a profession containing those items.
  • Calculate the the number of years of service and gain 3 points per year.
  • QUality starts at 115, age starts at 18 and aging is ignored, unless you serve 40 years or more.
  • From QUality, go down through the attribute cascade, shifting up to 10 points between members of each attribute pair.
  • Since total money is known, equipment may be purchased. Equalizers are done last.

4. Fixed-Point Generation

Equalizer points assigned by the gamemaster (GM) are used to build fixed-point characters and these points are used to buy the things they normally roll for.

  • Each player starts with all attributes set to 100 then points may be spent to raise scores or gained by lowering scores, in accordance with the Equalizer rules in CHARACTER GENERATION.
  • A profession is chosen at no cost.
  • Terms of Service have no cost if aging is automatic.
  • Skills are chosen normally and paid for with points.
  • Equalizers are chosen and balanced normally. Characters receiving legacy karma (See KARMA in EVERYVERSE RPG) may have equalizers and their costs/benefits imposed upon them.

5. As-You-Go Generation

As-You-Go is for players who have experience with character generation and they want to start immediately or the gamemaster (GM) doesn’t want to reveal the nature of the upcoming campaign.

  • Each character sheet is blank to start and an entry is made when necessary or desired.

Example: The GM says all characters will have a QUality of 115 then asks everyone to roll agains CHarisma. With maximum shifting between pairs of attributes, CHarisma could be as low as 85 or as high as 145. Each player makes a decision, knowing that every point put into CH now is going to come out of something else later.

  • A similar method applies to STUFF and EQUIPMENT. Rather than rolling and shopping before the play begins, the player reserves a number of points and a maximum number of kg for his “bag of rocks.” The bag may hold all types of stuff, including those things not purchased with money. When the bag is carried, the character is considered to be hauling around the maximum mass.

In summary:

The basis of character generation and attempt resolution is the Normal (Gauss or Bell) Curve, which is used by psychologists to plot IQ.

The decimal numbers stand for fractions of the population. One hundred (100) is the average score (mean) and the standard deviation is ten (10). This curve accurately represents the spread of capability amongst a random population. People with high scores are quite rare, as shown in the “high end.”

How to Use the Table

To use, roll 4 10-sided dice, in a pre-determined order, or 4d10 on a dice-rolling app.


SD Dice Roller App

SD Dice Roller mimics the ability of rolling 4d10, rather then looking the number up in the SD chart.


Consult the standard distribution table (Table 1 in EVERYVERSE RPG manual. See also the featured image) to find the score from 60 – 139 that corresponds to the four-digit number. Round down if necessary.

The table is open-ended, so if your rolls is all 0s or all 9s, you may roll an extra digit to get a number below 60 or above 139.

That’s about it!